Friday, December 18, 2009

download Gladiator movie


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Year 2000
Directors: Scott, Ridley
Actors: #actors

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Maximus is a powerful Roman general, loved by the people and the aging Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Before his death, the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son, Commodus, and a power struggle leaves Maximus and his family condemned to death. The powerful general is unable to save his family, and his loss of will allows him to get captured and put into the Gladiator games until he dies. The only desire that fuels him now is the chance to rise to the top so that he will be able to look into the eyes of the man who will feel his revenge.

download Hercules movie


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Year 1997
Directors: Musker, John

Clements, Ron
Actors: #actors

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After Zeus fights and sends the Titans to the underworld, he becomes the ruler of Mount Olympus, home of all greek gods. Hades is sent to rule the underworld, but he makes plans to throw Zeus out of Mount Olympus with the Titans' help. The three Fates warn him that his plans would be endangered if Hercules, Zeus newborn child, is still around by the time he tries to take over Mount Olympus. Hades sends Pain and Panic to turn Hercules into a mortal and kill him, but they fail in their attempt and leave him on earth with his divine strength to be raised as a human. Hercules grows up but later learns he is the son of gods, and in order to return to Mt. Olympus he must turn into a "true hero". He is trained by Phil the satyr and becomes the most famous hero in ancient Greece after battling monsters of all kinds. He even saves Mt. Olympus from Hade's take-over, but he only becomes a god again after he offers to exchange his life in order to save Meg, his love, from Hades' underworld and shows that a true hero must have a strong heart and not only physical strength.

download Garfield movie


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Year 2004
Directors: Hewitt, Peter
Actors: #actors

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Garfield, the fat, lazy, lasagna lover, has everything a cat could want. But when Jon, in an effort to impress the Liz - the vet and an old high-school crush - adopts a dog named Odie and brings him home, Garfield gets the one thing he doesn't want. Competition. One night Odie runs away and gets dog-napped after Garfield locks him outside. Garfield, in an out of character move, goes to search for and rescue Odie with the help of a variety of animal friends along the way.

download Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Download Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets >>
Year 2002
Directors: Columbus, Chris
Actors: #actors

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Harry Potter is in his second year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is visited by a house-elf named Dobby and warned not to go back to Hogwarts. Harry ignores his warning, and returns. He is still famous, although still disliked by Snape, Malfoy, and the rest of the Slytherins. But then, strange things start to happen. People are becoming petrified, and no-one knows what is doing it. Harry keeps hearing a voice.. a voice which seems to be coming from within the walls. They are told the story of the Chamber of Secrets. It is said that only Salazar Slytherin's true descendent will be able to open it. Harry, it turns out, is a Parsel-tongue. This means that he is able to speak/understand snakes. Everyone thinks that it's him that has opened the Chamber of Secrets because that is what Slytherin was famous for.

download Total Recall movie

Total Recall

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Year 1990
Directors: Verhoeven, Paul
Actors: #actors

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Douglas Quaid is haunted by a recurring dream about a journey to Mars. He hopes to find out more about this dream and buys a holiday at Rekall Inc. where they sell implanted memories. But something goes wrong with the memory implantation and he remembers being a secret agent fighting against the evil Mars administrator Cohaagen. Now the story really begins and it's a rollercoaster ride until the massive end of the movie.

download Enemy at the Gates movie

Enemy at the Gates

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Year 2001
Directors: Annaud, Jean-Jacques
Actors: #actors

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During the WWII battle of Stalingrad, two snipers, a Russian (Law), and a German (Harris), are locked in a battle of wills and marksmenship, while the Russian is boosted to the status of hero by a political official (Fiennes).

download Enemy of the State movie

Enemy of the State

Download Enemy of the State >>
Year 1998
Directors: Scott, Tony
Actors: #actors

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Tony Scott torna alle atmosfere thriller e senza tregua delle sue opere precedenti con un film tutto giocato sulla critica alle possibili privazioni della libert� del cittadino comune da parte dello Stato. Robert Dean � un giovane e promettente avvocato, che si trova coinvolto in un assurdo gioco di spie, perch� un vecchio amico di scuola gli infila fra i regali di Natale un dischetto contenente le immagini di un omicidio commesso da un dirigente ambizioso e senza scrupoli della National Security Agency (potente organismo governativo responsabile delle operazioni spionistiche pi� complesse). La vita del protagonista � sconvolta e continuamente in pericolo. Un ex agente della NSA, interverr� in aiuto del giovane. Dopo essere sfuggiti numerose volte alla morte, i due si salveranno in un finale pieno di suspense e...con un po' di furbizia! Grande cast e grande azione per un film solido e ben girato.